I use a range of focused psychological interventions in helping people with mental health disorders. I assess and work with individuals experiencing.
Depression and other mood disorders
Anxiety disorders
General life stress and transitions
Emotional dysregulation
Post-traumatic stress disorders
complex trauma
Relationship issues
Other mental health concerns and
Carer/parenting and attachment issues
Groups I have facilitated include:
the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skill training for adults and adolescents
Cool Kids anxiety program for children
the Circle of Security 8-week parent education program
Mindfulness education course, and
an ADHD skills and support group.
I am also available to provide clinical supervision to Social workers, and general supervision to individuals and teams in the helping industry.
I receive referrals via a General Practitioner or Psychiatrist under the Better Access Mental Health Plan Medicare system.
I am a contracted outreach counsellor for Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling.
I receive referrals from Converge Employee Assistance Program; and
I am contracted to provide trauma-informed counselling to clients eligible under the Victim Support Service, ACT.